Climate action tools for your community.

Climate action planning does not need to be overly complicated and expensive. Our tools make effective climate action accessible to your community.

Trusted by these communities so far:

Support climate action in your community.

Understand opportunities, level of impact, and funding sources to turn plans into action.

Energy and Emissions Forecasts

Understand your community's future emissions.

See the relative energy and emissions impact of current practices and future actions in your community.

Recommended Actions

Identify your options for change.

Receive recommended actions for reducing energy and emissions in the community, organized by priority and tailored to your context.

Links to Funding

Find support and take action.

Capture additional details on recommended actions, including community contextual information, detailed descriptions of actions and phasing considerations, and links to funding sources.

Get started today

And take the first step towards intuitive and actionable climate planning in your community.

Get started now

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, just email us!

    • Does Peregrine use an acceptable energy and emissions modelling protocol to inform recommendations?

      Yes, Peregrine was built with leading community energy modelling professionals, and the modelling protocol used is consistent with ISO 14064.

    • What else is in store for Peregrine?

      Our vision is to create climate action tools that make an impact in communities across the British Columbia and Canada. We have lots of development planned, please connect with us to learn how we can best support your community!

    • My community has unique characteristics, challenges, and opportunities. Can Peregrine help or are the recommendations generic?

      Peregrine can help! Our back-end software calculates your communities energy and emissions profile based on the information you provide regarding your communities context and characteristics. Each community profile and recommendations is therefore tailored to the unique needs and characteristics of each community.

    • Do I get a hard copy report in addition to access of the online Dashboard?

      Yes. While the intent is for the Dashboard to be the primary tool for communities to use due to interactivity and the ability to be updated, you can export a PDF summary report of your recommended actions at any time.